Saturday, May 05, 2007

A few pictures I thought were worth sharing

Thought I'd pass these along since it's been a while since I've posted any.
Nothing like waiting until the last minute to do T's senior pictures.
This isn't one of them, we actually haven't done them yet, but we shot this one in one of the trees in our yard so we had SOMETHING to send with her announcements. Turned out pretty good though, huh?

This one is just hilarious. Chubby Bubby weighs almost 40 lbs. now and will eat anything thats not nailed down - and will try to eat the things that are. (Seriously, there are teeth marks in the coffee table.)

Here's one of T on the way to the prom. I did some serious tweaking on this one. The original was taken in our icky living room. I used Gimp to create the backgound and make the sparkles more sparkly. I used Picasa to soften the focus and Paint to airbrush a few spots. Wish I had a Mac, but I couldn't sleep last night anyway.