Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I did nothing to bring this upon myself...

My good friend Adam posted this link on his blog (See "Igneous Quill" to the left). I am sick to death of hearing about this perversion of the gospel and I thank Adam for providing this link and others on the topic.


God will bless those He chooses to bless, He will heal those He chooses to heal. My illness is not a result of my lack of faith. My financial problems are not a result of not claiming wealth. If this so called prosperity gospel is true, why are those who are teaching it the only ones getting rich? Why isn't Joel Osteen's church bursting with millionaires? If health is a matter of faith, why is Billy Graham dying? (Some may argue, "well, he hasn't claimed healing, his faith isn't strong enough" - that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.) I don't see any miracles of Jesus where He healed someone of poverty. I see no parables where He says we will be wealthy in this life.

And while I'm on the topic, isn't wealth relative? As an American who owns 3 televisions and 4 computers, I am wealthy, by comparison to 99% of the rest of the world. But, since I live in a country that is dependent on the automobile, corporatized retail, and institutionalized medicine, I am seen by those around me as poor, because I don't have enough money to keep gas in my car and pay my doctor bills. So what kind of wealth are these people talking about? The wealth of a villager in the middle of Africa who lives in a grass hut, but has many chickens and cattle (basically, everything he needs)? Or the wealth of Donald Trump (basically WAY more than he needs)?

I am dealing with this unknown thing that is slowly causing my body - specifically, I believe, my nervous system - to deteriorate. I pray daily for healing. Since I can't work, I spend much time studying the scriptures and listening to radio and podcast teachings (usually critiquing what is being said!) Does this show a lack of faith that has caused me to be sick? I am no way claiming that my faith is greater than anyone else's, I'm simply saying that I strive to practice and live my faith. My faith has nothing to do with my health or finances.

Thanks, Adam. I look forward to your future posts on this topic.