Today was Destiny's birthday. Not really, it's actually tomorrow, but it's become a tradition with us to celebrate birthday's on Dad's day off. We let
the birthday child pick the meals and the activities for the day. Today it was homemade burgers and fries (McDaddy's) and spagetti and Playstation. We
even let her open her presents, though the cake will wait until tomorrow.
It's hard to believe that Squishy is 6. We have video of her taking her first steps (while hunting Easter eggs). It's hard to keep up with
When I tell people I have 6 kids I always get the same reaction. "Wow, six? How do you do it?". If I'm at work they usually say "That's great" (I
work at a Christian book store), but if I'm at WalMart or the library they always ask "What are you, Mormon or Catholic?". One of these day's I'll get
up the courage to say "Neither, let me tell you what I am..."
I've caught the writing bug lately. I caught it from a fan website for Ted Dekker (a really good writer!) Someone suggested a roleplaying kind of
story (everyone play a character and contribute thier part of the story) and my brain started going. I haven't actually gotten anything down yet, but
that's where the bug bails on me. I get all these ideas, but I can't seem to get them to work out on paper. Maybe one of these days I'll come up with
a good ending first and actually be able to make something work.
So,how do you like our blog so far? I guess I've kind of been dominating it, but I'll let Anna and the kids share too.