I'm sorry.
But every post is pretty much the same when I'm talking about family news. We are really astoundingly boring people. Everyone but me goes to school, we watch bad movies on Netflix, and pretty much just live a nice quiet life.
But that doesn't mean we don't do stuff.
For Halloween we did "Trunk or Treat" at our church. If you're not familiar with that, it's using your car instead of a house and you get a bunch of people to line up in a nice, safe, well lit parking lot and try to herd all the kids in the neighbor hood.
We tried to do it up big. We used our big ol' van and brought our Jack-o-lanterns and we all dressed in costume and had a fog machine and everything. We didn't get a very large turnout and some of the people left very shortly after we got there, but we had a lot of fun.
And now we're into December. The holiday season is either going to be totally insane or pretty mellow. So far, it's pretty quiet.
Well, except for one thing. Let me tell you the story.
Chenisse, our second eldest, has been seeing Steven for.... well, I'm not sure how long, about 6 months? Not even? They are both in college and that's where they met and spend most of their time together. But anyway...
During the break, however, Steven shocked everyone, especially me and Anna by doing something really, honestly, totally insane.
He proposed to Chenisse.
Now, before we get into discussions about "they haven't been together long enough" and "aren't they a little young" and all that stuff, let me provide full disclosure by telling you that I proposed to Anna after 10 days and by Chenisse's age we already had our first child.
So who am I to judge and second guess love? He asked, and she said 'yes'.
Tonight we have our only Holiday concert to go to. Mr. I and his 6th grade band are performing tonight. While I am excited to see him perform, I am glad this is the only one we have. In years past we've had many and it was just insane from a time management perspective to make sure we got to everything.
Well, that's about all for now. What did I miss? I don't know. Ask me about something if you know of something I didn't mention.