Thursday, April 24, 2008

Finally, some new pictures!

Here's some of the latest that I've been neglecting to share....

This is Destiny at her Earth day program

That's her roughly in the middle on the end.

We told her she needed more fiber in her diet, but I'm not sure a Nerds box qualifies....

This is Grace on her way to her program at her school.
Lucas has confiscated his mom Ipod. He had it figured out in about 2 minutes

"Hey, how do I get the Cartoon Network Podcast on this thing?"

Here's Ruthie's first taste of baby food.

She doesn't seem too thrilled at first.

But later she is just completely bored....

So she slipped into a coma.

But to prove she is the master of everything, she later showed us that she can escape from her car seat.

See the link on the left side to "Our Pictures" for a whole lot more.

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