Hi! How are things?
Here we are in the dog days of summer. Actually, right now in New Mexico, it's Monsoon season. Slightly less hot, but cloudy, humid, and if we're lucky, rain.
It's about that time that we start thinking about back-to-school shopping. Ug. That's always a miserable time. Never enough time or money to get everything we need.
But we always manage to get by.
So what news is there to share this month?
Baby countdown is at about 33 weeks. We're so totally not ready to have a baby in the house again. Cheni goes from being very excited to being horribly terrified. She's in good health and there have been no problems with the pregnancy, so she's going to be fine, physically. Emotionally, however... I know pregnant women have this hormone thing going on, but dang.
She's pretty well set up. Between friends who have recently had babies, our church family, and some other help she's getting, she's pretty well set up. Except for having enough room. Space was already very tight here, but we'll make do like always.
Cheni got a job at the local Wal-Mart. She hates it, but its going to help her tons and tons with diapers or other things when baby gets here. I hope they don't jerk her around with leave and stuff, but being Wal-Mart, I'm not optimistic.
Anna has been having a bad summer. It started with having a cast iron skillet dropped on her toes, breaking 3 of them. Then one of her teeth broke and in visiting the dentist found that she needs close to $5000 worth of work done (some serious infection in her jaw). And to top it all off, on July 4, while checking to make sure our neighbors weren't burning the town to the ground, she fell off the steps and banged herself up pretty bad. Scraped up her face and most of that side of her body. The worst part, the kids were playing video games, didn't notice she had fallen. She threw rocks at the door hoping they'd hear, but they didn't. So, needless to say, we're doing away with video games for quite a while.
Derek has been working hard this summer. Well, at least part time. He's got his car and he's just happy to be able to go and do the things he wants to go and do. He's looking at his future plans as this will be his second year at San Juan. Time to be looking at transferring to a bigger school. He could, like his mom, continue his education locally with UNM's branch location, but his course choices are limited that way. I'd like to see him transfer to a big school, one with lots of opportunities for him in music and whatever else he wants to do. He would love being part of a marching band again, especially a big one.
Miss D got glasses! We had suspected she'd needed then for some time, she had been having issues at school and she'd started sitting a foot away from the TV, even though it's kind of big. She's at about the same age as her older sisters needed them. I don't know how the boys are getting away (so far) without needed them, but I'm not complaining. Those suckers are expensive!
But she can see better now. She doesn't squint as much. Plus she's really darn cute when she's wearing them.
Not much to report on the others this time around, other than they're making me insane complaining that they are bored and begging to play games on the TV and so forth. Sigh. I hate summer for so many reasons, but especially the "I'm bored" thing. READ A FREAKING BOOK! GO PLAY WITH THE 20 MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF TOYS YOU HAVE! LEAVE ME ALONE! I miss school.