Well, we survived Christmas. I'm finally starting to unwind a little, my schedule allowed me two days off this week, plus I have PTO time to burn that I'm using next week to get Tasha to All-State. I might even get some pet projects done, like more pictures on this Blog and stuff on "Dad's Blog" (my personal dumping ground for stuff that most of the rest of you might not care about).
Anyway, I just wanted to publically ackowlege that we have the most generous friends and family in the world. My kids now have more distractions from reality than they know what to do with. We now have a PS2, AND a Game Cube plus I don't know how many games. The good news is now our kids are REALLY motivated to keep their chores done and grades up.
For family out there, we didn't forget you. We're working on a project that we just didn't get done before Christmas. God willing, I will get it done next week and get it in the mail. I'd give you a hint, but it would spoil it. Let's just say you'll have to "picture" it in your mind.
So I'm off to work on that. Merry Christmas, Happy New year, etc. etc.