Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Way it should be, why can't it be?

So, it's the 21st century. Things are supposed to be easier than they are. I'm not talking about jet pack and flying cars, I'm talking about something as simple as checking the weather report.

In the ideal world we are SUPPOSED to be living in, I could just flip on my view screen (or better yet, voice activate it) and ask for the weather to show. And I'd instantly have the information I need. Instead I have a laptop and a tv. If I flip on the tv (at least I have a remote for that) I have to wait through so many stupid commercials and who knows what to get to the weather. Even if I have cable (which I don't because of the "who knows what") and flipped it to the Weather Channel, I still have to wait for them to get to my local info.

The computer is worse. Even though I have this nifty little program that gives me the weather when I turn it on, it takes 5 minutes for the the stupid thing to boot up (even if it's on stand-by, which must be a private joke at Microsoft because it's not really faster than starting from shut-down), then I have to log in to the internet and since I'm using MSN, I have to wait for it to do an update check, log into messenger, pop up a little window that tells me how many emails I have, and then, if I'm lucky, I can get the weather.

I want the future we were promised. Let's quit trying to make a buck and actually build things that work like they are supposed to, Mr. Gates, Mr. Jobs. Let's get on with it.